Horse riding
Horse riding makes feel free. After riding we can see the world with positive eye. I would love to share this feeling with as many people as possible! Riding makes us feel free from the pressure of everyday life, enjoying the current moment easier to live. Seeing the smiling, enthusiastic faces after lessons I am very happy as I know I could add a little bit to their health. Those who are coming to us regularly telling us that they feel much stronger and easier.
Here are some comments how it feels to ride a horse:
“It’s an amazing experiance. The wind the freedom the gentle rocking of the horse under you. You should though describe about the horse. Though just the riding part though isnt as important to me. It’s the bond between the horse and i. Not just the feeling of it.”
“On a good day 🙂 there is a connection with your horse. You feel the horse’s power and it is your power too. Its as if you can read each other’s minds and you are of one heart. There can be a sense of euphoria when traveling at high speeds, taking jumps, riding a pattern – a feeling of accomplishment and being in control, yet free at the same time.”
“You feel well scarred because you putting your life in an others hands, but also exhilarating to be able to go fast and the connection between you and you horse is the best part. It feels a lot like riding a fast elephant, or when you are driving down a smooth road with lots of dips. One of the most amazing feelings in the world!”
“Exhilarating. The relationship between horse and human is just.. incredible. You feel so in control, even if everything else in your life is falling apart. Horses are such majestic creatures, and riding just makes you feel amazing. It’s hard to describe in words.”